Category / General / Music / Photography / Video

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  • 105 by Rootlessroot

    105 by Rootlessroot Original music composed by John Parish video/edit by Mike Rafail —— I like to learn from old people. Their old age and broken bodies echo of years of experience and its direct implications. We rarely think of aging without feeling sad or being afraid. Our relation with time makes us fear change.…

  • Fighting Monkey DRAGON’S PEARL, adv

    Fighting Monkey Dragon’s Pearl —— One of the first movement tools of Fighting Monkey Practice. Basic and fundamental. To understand space and motion. It is from wood. It is a living material When falls, it remembers your mistakes. You train with it, You move. It forces you. It is round always rolling, always falling Hard…

  • FM ATHLETIC LEG-BASICS, online training program, adv

    FM ATHLETIC LEG-BASICSONLINE TRAINING PROGRAM We have worked hard to prepare unique and in depth online program.We have not compromised. We believe the ALP, while complex and nonlinear, offers content that can be studied to improve the health of your joints for decades to come… IF YOU’RE COURAGEOUS ENOUGH TO DIG IN. More Video…